Grady Receives 2002 Striving for Excellence Awards Presented by PLS

February 28th, 2020, 11:27 AM

Pennsylvania Legal Services (PLS) recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment to legal services with the "Striving Toward Excellence" Awards. Thelma Grady, was recognized as a recipient in March, 2002. Thelma has been a long standing Northwestern Legal Services' Board Member and a powerful advocate for the legal needs of low-income clients in her own community and across the nation.

For over 25 years she has worked in a leadership role on the local, state and national level to ensure that clients have received civil legal services, and has molded this commitment into positive accomplishments on behalf of low-income individuals and their families. Thelma continues to serve on the NWLS board of directors, and she remains a strong voice on behalf of our mission.

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